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Volcano Humidifier


'Dust free' evaporative technology provides relief from dry air

USB powered with simple controls

Suitable for non-citrus, water soluble essential oils Silent running


Volcano Humidifier

Product Code: MK3664

Enjoy the drama of a volcanic eruption from the safety of your home.

Ideal for use in the bedroom, this humidifier creates no noise while producing a generous mist, coloured by an ever changing LED light.

Help prevent dry skin by adding moisture to the air, ideal for use overnight to help you wake fresh and revitalised.

The moisture from a humidifier helps soothe dry sinus passages, reducing inflammation and allowing allergens to be more easily expelled.

Adding water vapour to the air makes breathing easier and introducing a decongestant like Olbas oil can help you sleep throughout the night.

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£34.00 (inc VAT)
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