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What safe, practical mobility aids do I need for someone with dementia?

Most forms of dementia will at some point affect the areas of the brain responsible for movement and balance. For example, the person living with dementia may appear uncoordinated or begin to walk more slowly, a symptom also associated with Parkinson’s disease, or appear uncoordinated.

However, people with dementia may not consider themselves to be disabled in the early stages. They can also choose from an extensive range of practical mobility aids which will help them to stay active and independent and move around comfortably, both indoors and out, with a reduced risk of falls.

For example, in the early stages of dementia an ordinary walking stick or perhaps a walking frame will be all that is needed to steady the gait. However, as the dementia progresses, the person may tire more easily and not be able to walk for long distances without a rest. At this time a rollator with a built-in seat may be the answer or a stylish wheelchair, with or without a person to push it.

We have a selection of practical mobility products suitable to keep people with all types of dementia you on the move for as long as possible.


A person with dementia at risk of falls or with reduced hand function should use a trolley to move food, drinks and other items safely around the home. CLICK HERE


A rollator will provide added support when walking and some models feature a seat so the user can take a rest if needed. CLICK HERE

Walking Sticks

A simple walking stick can help give confidence and security for those not so steady on their feet. CLICK HERE

Walking Frames

Manoeuvrable, height adjustable walking frames are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. CLICK HERE

Grab Rails

Grab rails can provide added stability where needed in the bathroom or toilet. These can either be permanently fixed to a solid wall or suction grab bars which can be easily removed when not in use. CLICK HERE

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